Thursday, February 7, 2019

How Digital Marketing Will Change In 2019

There are no doubts that Digital Marketing has a major impact on the online business today.
And the fact that many people know how to make a fortune out of it. But, Digital Marketing in 2019 is about to get a whole lot different than what we saw in 2018. And…
if you are not aware of changes happening, then the chances of your marketing strategy going south are high. Below let’s talk about how Digital Marketing is going to change in 2019 and what you can do to adapt to it.
  1. Voice Searches will get more audience
Believe it or not, Voice Interactions are the future User Interface. A report in a recent study said-  In 2018, more than 45% of adults worldwide preferred using Voice Searches. (Young Audiences didn’t, only the adults).
Some SEO experts in NYC also predicted that Voice Searches will be in use by approximately 65% of the population by 2020.
Since both, Digital Marketing and Voice search function with highlighted pieces of information. It will be fun to see how both of them will be able to work with each other this year. In 2019, it wouldn’t be a surprise if more people start preferring Voice Searches.
With Smart AI assistants already dominating the tech market, implementing one of the Voice search features on to your websites guarantees its longevity.
  1. Video Marketing-
Video Marketing is considered one of the most effective strategies of Digital Marketing used by many New York local SEO company experts in NYC and other places. (as SEO in New York is a great place for Digital Marketing).
According to a report, over 80% of the content over the internet is expected to transform into visual representations by 2020.
With Smartphones taking over the market and Social Media uprising. Few social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat are already Video Marketing that has proven to be quite effective. You could expect a lot more to happen this year. So, prepare yourself.
  1. Artificial Intelligence – The Future of Everything
Artificial Intelligence was not as explored 2 years ago as it currently is. They evolved, capable of doing some pretty cool stuff like- Alerting you to do you project as soon as it detects you’re home, helping you calculate the calories in a portion of food with just its image.
2019 is here and Artificial Intelligence is here to help you with Digital Marketing.
Like, can you imagine the future where all you have to do is store all your data in an AI-based server and let the machine tell you what your next marketing strategy should be?
Also, this AI based machines could sync with your customer’s behavior pattern and suggests if you need to change your existing plan.
  1. Content Marketing
Content Marketing has always been a major part of Digital Marketing, It is used by many marketers to advertise or influence tons of people.
Living here, I realize that almost all SEO company in New York City is already equipped with writers offering them clean, lean and attractive contents.
Speaking of marketers who use copied and click-bait content so far have managed to get through but, 2019 seems to be their dead end. The internet needs quality content and writers that influence them in the right way.
  1. Better Chatbot Interactions
Almost each one of us has at least once in their lifetime come across a Chatbot capable of greeting you and answering your basic questions. Chatbot interactions have drastically improved over the years and are expected to be better in 2019.
Since, we humans love communicating with others, installing a Chatbot on to your website is a can make your customers feel comfortable and hopefully increase the organic search volumes.
  1. Local Influencer Marketing
Influence Marketing might be heard of but Local Influencing is new to the game. Many companies reach out to local influencing individuals, offering them sponsorship them in influencing the viewers/readers in buying your services/products.
Seeking Influence Marketing from a celebrity / famous person is also great but isn’t affordable to many. Thus, partnering up with many local influencers in a long – term campaign form is the best way to reach out to people in 2019.
You can start off by grabbing your laptop and searching up all the famous people from a specific region, these famous individuals can be from any background like- singing, Youtube, Twitter, etc.
Make a list of the people whose audience are perfect for your product/services, do a little bit of research about them and reach out to them once you have made up your mind.
  1. Live Video
As we know that Video is the best method of reaching out to consumers, “Live Video” is another way to reach out to people. But, Digital Marketing with Live Video requires a lot of dedication, hard work, and ideas.
You can start off my thinking like a consumer and noting down major points like- What would a consumer want from your services, what interests other people to choose your services, what should be your next move to attract more customers, where do you want to focus your sales, and such.
This process can take a while but once it’s done you will be left behind with many ideas and plans on what you want to be doing next and figure out exactly what you should be doing in order to reach out the right crowd.
Next, you need to choose a platform. You can start with platforms like- Facebook, Periscope, Instagram, etc.
If you want your marketing to be much more effective, I suggest doing a little research on the best platform for you based on your region, as the popularity of platforms differ with location.
These were all the points that will be playing a major role in changing Digital Marketing this year. What are your opinions on it? Do you agree? Do you mind suggesting I left out? Are you excited for the changes occurring in 2019?
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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Get Ready to Dominate Google in 2019

Want to Dominate Google without much struggle, let us figure out how?
Search engine optimization is growing harder day by day, not because its results are falling but competition is growing. When it comes to competition, it takes a long time to have a good ranking along with investing more money to get the desired results.
No one can wait forever to achieve their goals and its reality that the person is left with no other choice than leveraging SEO as a way because everyone else is doing the same.
So what’s the solution?
The very first thing that you need to make it clear in your mind is that SEO is much more than about ranking or we can say it is more about getting the right kind of traffic. So the main idea revolves around getting into the eyes of your target group who are ready to buy your products. This formula will definitely help you to see results faster and increased sales in a highly competitive environment.
The step involved in best SEO strategy is as follows:
  1. Attract customers before they are ready to buy
One of the must things to work on is an analysis of the keywords that are buyer intent. But they might cost you high as well as can take a long time. So what is the solution? There are certain keywords which work on a similar search pattern which are more related to the information. These keywords are not as lucrative as buyer intent keywords.
Now the next question that may cross your mind is how to find such not so competitive keywords that have similar search pattern. One can easily get to know these keywords using Google Correlate. Google correlate displays all the queries or the words people use those have a similar pattern to the main keyword you need to rank in.
  1. Land And Expand
It is not that easy to rank on new keywords. No doubt SEO has a huge return on investment at the same time it is a time taking and long process. One has to be patient enough to experience its results. We have a strategy to deal with this and get results faster by the means of the following Land and Expand strategy. One can check the list of terms you are currently ranked for by clicking on performance in Google Search console. In the same way, we can pick up some long tail keywords or phrases that are user intent. This process will help you to boost your rand within 30-60 days by adjusting your content.
  1. Build your Brand
In today’s world, not only people but Google also place more emphasis on brands as it is something derived from demand only. A strong brand helps your rank faster thus increasing traffic at an accelerated rate. Branding is a solution to sort out the cesspool. One can monitor its brand growth in comparison to its competitors through Google Trends.
Now one may think of various ways of building a brand like posting blogs, advertisements, etc. but they are no more capable of establishing your brand as every other company is following same practices. So what is the solution? A solution has to be bold and something out of the box that others are not using. Some of the things can genuinely help people to solve their problems, be more elaborative and user-friendly, create video content and every other possible thing to attract people towards your brand. Initially, it will require great efforts but as it will start showing results you will be astonished. SEO in New York helps you to achieve all such results.
  1. Build a Better Mousetrap
Links play a vital role till date in increasing the traffic to your website, thus building up a better mousetrap should be given high preference. It has to be so good and attractive that everyone wishes to link with you. You have to be creative and different enough to be able to compete and rank in a highly competitive environment.
So now you might have understood that the basic concept always remains the same but something that matters or makes a difference in your approach and strategy that has to be customized and creative. SEO in New York is one such company that has evolved to spread this idea through our work and services.